How we work
Direct MAil Channel
On time at the right time! We have relationship with over 3 mailers at various locations throughout the nation. Our mails reach the prospective customers at the right time when they need credit the most.We offer full service from getting credit attributes from credit bureau, run selection models, provide suppression file, sending firm offer of credit. We have an in house creative design team to bring out the look and feel on the mail. The creative design will be approved by our client before we send them out.
credit pre-screen
Finding the right customers is half the battle. Our highly sophisticated analytics team use over 1500 attributes to scrutinize and draw the right pool of customers for each of our clients individually. Our models are custom made for our clients and each model is unique. We have developed over 500 unique models based on loan size, FPD, state, response rate and other important metrics. Tweaking the right attributes to find out the right customers is the magic sauce and we have it!
fine tune campaigns
A successful campaign never ends without constant fine tuning. Following up is the most important task in any successful campaign and we do it promptly and analytically. After we send out the initial test mailer, we gather up the response rate, FPD, and other time related attributes to tweak on the model to produce more prospective customers. We keep on iterate the model after every mailer and build a strong and accurate model specific for each client. We do not use a generic model for all clients.